Personalized Medigraytion®
Do you need a little bit of personalized attention? Personalized Medigraytions are 30 minute medical meditations uniquely created just for you and your specific health needs. These Medigraytions start with a one-on-one consultation with Laura to map your individual healing trajectory, and end with your own highly specialized Medigraytion® delivered to your inbox.
Medigraytions are a potent partnership of medical science and your own consciousness, allowing a greater intelligence to create new neural pathways and cellular health. Medigraytions literally can transform the chemistry and physiology of your body, creating the healthiest possible you.
P.S. It doesn’t hurt.
For more information:
Purchasing a Personalized Medigraytion® requires connecting with Laura personally. Laura will contact you within three days of receiving your order to discuss details, process, and to answer any questions. Happy Medigrayting!